Nuestros proyectos

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Sensibilización con el cambio climático


SQM desarrolló con nosotros un laboratorio virtual con 3 experiencias para sensibilizar a sus equipos con el cambio climático. Cada experiencia entrega información pero sobre todo te involucra, hace que los efectos del cambio climático sean algo más personal.

What value does it provide: Una experiencia emocional, impactante sobre los efectos del cambio climático.
What we like: El desafío que fue intervenir a ese nivel imágenes y videos 360° estéreo, con efectos especiales y entornos y objetos 3D.
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Entrenamiento para Control de Riesgo Fatalidad


Trabajamos intensamente con SITRANS, en el desarrollo de una “aventura gráfica” que permite entrenar en el manejo de los Controles de Riesgo Fatalidad en entornos de manejo de conteiner y operaciones logísticas.

What value does it provide: Un acercamiento 100% inmersivo al entorno de operación que permite visualizar los CRF en terreno.
What we like: El manejo de la historia, el trabajo de resolución de problemas y que el cliente permitió darle forma de aventura.
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General induction - BCP


An incredible experience that came out of the most difficult part of the pandemic (2020) that allowed BCP, along with other gamification processes that we developed, to freshen up and bring new collaborators closer to the day-to-day life of the Bank's branches/offices. To date, more than 3,000 employees have gone through the experience.

What value does it provide: Bringing closer what was impossible and far away at that time to later being installed as an essential part of the virtualization of the Bank's processes.
What we like: The process, the work with complex resources during the pandemic, what the client returns to us.
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Induction agents - Caja Arequipa

Caja Arequipa

A tremendous challenge. We built an induction using a 360° video in the bank's offices, in the surroundings of its neighborhood´s SMEs clients. We made all of it an experience that was tremendously realistic and close to the way the Caja works. 2021 project, through which more than 1,000 collaborators have already went through with very high satisfaction.

An immersive and realistic experience of the life of a Caja Arequipa agent.
What we like: The production was tremendous, actors, locations, exciting.
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Al interior del Teatro Municipal

A live tour to a wonderful place in Santiago downtown. We accompanied a group of people to visit it during heritage day. The quality of 360° photography allows you to feel the majesty and beauty of the Theater.

What value does it provide: Guided access to a heritage space that allows you to get closer to the entire community.
What we like: We love the 360° picture of the room and its beautiful dome.
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Safety Training

One of our most beloved works. We developed this project to train students pursuing mining careers to become familiar with risky operations and the world inside a mine. It's almost a game where you have full free mobility and tasks to complete, plus it integrates 360° photos with 3D graphic environments.

What value does it provide: It allows a full immersion in an underground mine environment and thus a more real training in the risks involved.
What we like: looks like a game, it's fun and exciting.
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Parque Bicentenario Tour


A sunny day, swans, ducklings, children playing, we can spend a day in the park touring its green spaces full of sun and people enjoying a quiet afternoon. This experience with 360° video and 360° photo offers us a friendly tour of a beautiful park in Santiago.

What value does it provide: Tour of a beautiful park, plan an afternoon in their spaces.
What we like: The Green color, the relaxation the color inspires.
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Store tour

Indian Motor Cycle

Indian is a great brand that required a way to bring it closer to the whole world, their motorbikes, their world and their backstage.

What value does it provide: Introduce the store in an incredible way.
What we like: The motorcycles… obviously.
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Andean communities

Chumbivilcas Perú andino

We immerse ourselves into the life of high Andean communities, at more than 4000 meters above sea level, we document in 360° their festivals, their daily life, their endeavor and the way the Hudbay mining company has contributed to the community. Building an experience that sensitizes the non-Andean world with their lives.

What value does it provide: It allows us to get closer to life stories and a community that would be impossible for most to know.
What we like: The whole world that we shared for 10 days.
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Ciencia Pública

We participate as developers in this great project that presents an intercultural experience that brings together the ancestral knowledge of the Mapuche people about objects in the sky and modern astronomy, in an experience where you will access these wonderful worlds by going through several scenarios. This project is under construction.

What value does it provide: An intercultural experience of access to incredible knowledge.
What we like: The idea, the worlds in relation with it.
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Best practices training

Cat D10T Bulldozer

We developed an amazing experience by integrating 360°3D video (meaning a sense of depth) and 3D graphics included in the environment. Perspectives from 3 cameras were merged: one inside the driver's cab, another outside the cab, and an external one that allows the machine to be seen in its operating environment. The objective was to train security measures and the 5 main operations.

What value does it provide: Develop a new working simulation model that is cheaper and faster to produce with incredible immersiveness.
What we like: We managed to solve highly complex technological challenges.
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